Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Uncle Jack and Aunt Mary came for a visit

 Uncle Jack and Aunt Mary came from Atlanta, GA for a visit. I was so excited to see them. Uncle Jack said it was 900 miles from his door step to mine.
 At 83 years old he wanted to go coyote hunting with Ken. They went and he produced. Uncle Jack was pretty impressed with Ken's ability to call in coyotes and the help of the wacky wabbit. 
 After a good trek thru the slick hills this was the sight I was forced to watch.. Pooped!

 I was showing Aunt Mary how to take a selfie. ;)
 I picked up feed while I was out and about. Uncle Jack kept the bags under control as we put the feed in the feeders.

 We took them to the Old Plantation for dinner. 
What a great visit we had. I'm humbled by them coming to visit us and inspired to stay healthy. Love to you both~


Hunter said...

That's so nice that they came to visit. I'm so glad it all worked out.

Angela said...

I too am inspired to stay health and fit..... 900 miles one way at 83 is amazing and trapsing all over those slick hills is even more amazing What a wonderful time And what great memories were made. Love seeing all your happy faces!