Saturday, May 22, 2010

Everything is blooming everywhere

Our boys are starting to grow trees on their heads.
Mommas' bellies are about to explode with babies. Almost nursery time..:)
Moxy and Kimber taking a break from playing.
Kimber loving on her Pawpaw..:)
Moxy taking a nap by my antler art which was carved by the late Robert Dean..
Happy hunter with well named Kimber.
Birds in flight with Mt. Sheridan in background.
Ken and Hunter enjoyed a break from working and studying on the deck in the evening.
Monkey momma picking at her baby...:)
How cute can cute get? Marti and kimber laying in the hammock.
With elk in the background, we all enjoyed the evening.
Moxy is growing and resting from playing so hard with Kimber.
Kimber with her Mom and Dad.
Awww, how sweet!
Me and my sweetie!!
Everything is green and growing.
Hmmm: growing in velvet.
Marti and Kimber enjoying the couch.
Hunter is really hitting the books in preparation for his Medical Boards Exam.
Do you think these girls are ready to come in and take another nap???
Marti is enjoying planning her dream wedding??
Hunter enjoys his role as protector of the deck.
D.O. your body good, get it??
We enjoyed H,M, & K being home for a few days and it looks like they enjoyed it as well.

1 comment:

Angela said...

We love our kids!!!! and enjoy them being home anytime they can... so glad you got to have them home and had such a good time.