Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Don't Mess with Mother Nature!

 We have friends who live in Mayflower, AR. They were at a B.A.S.S tournament in Toledo Bend,TX when they received a call saying their house and his Dad's house  had been hit by a tornado. This is what they came home to.
Dad Louie is 87 years old. He hunkered down in his home. Wedged between a deep freeze and a gun safe. The safe blew into the lake. Louie survived with a gash in his arm and sore ribs..Amazing man! He was being watched over!

 This is Ken in Stevie's boat looking for the safe. Which has Louis's many guns and a significant amount of cash. Ken found the safe using a lure retriever to probe into this big down tree after using all available side-scanning technology! Low tech to the rescue.
 2x4 thru the wall of their house! I'm so glad they weren't home!
 The machinery that helped pull out the safe.
 Here it comes! Bringing with it a GIANT SMILE on Louie's face.
The safe was banged up a LOT but still was open-able.
 The deep freeze you see in the rubble; that is where Louis was tucked away. The safe was just on the other side of him.
 Pulling the debris out of the water.
 The guns from the safe!
 16 cars were still missing when we left.Thank you Norma and Callen for letting us stay at your house. You were our sunshine after the storm. XOXO
 The nature's smile I got when we got back home!
Love my cactus! I am very humbled and grateful after this experience. I LOVE PINK!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Holy cow! So thankful everyone was ok, glad they were able to retrieve Louie's safe, it's amazing that he was hurt and even more amazing that that safe and freezer saved him....thank The Lord !! It's always so hard to imagine how people recover from something so devastating ! It is a testament to how strong God has made us! My thoughts and prayers are with Kerry, Kevin, and Louie as they continue to recover and push forward!