Catching smallmouths and tiger stripes from fishing all day.
The beauty of Mille Lacs!
Okay....This is Ken's second 5 pounder he has caught. And they're pretty hard to come by. I've set the camera up to take our picture. because we did catch them at the same time and as you can see I cut our heads off and all you can see of Moxy is her butt. Sorry sweetie I really wanted it to turn out. It's still pretty funny you have to admit!
My 4+ on a senko.
Crazy colored crawdads!
Sunday was an expectational day for me which is rare especially when you're fishing behind KC. I caught four smallmouths that weighed around 18 pounds total. I was happy happy.
Caught a leech.
Dan was able to break away and come fish with Ken at Mille Lacs. They had such a great time. I'm so glad he stuck around and had venison tacos with us. A lot of fish stories told and the sweet sound of laughter... I loved every minute of it. Next time Mac and Megan too!
So last year we thought the open wounds were caused from the bass chasing crawfish under rocks. Well it's not! They have what is called "Fish Lice"
Moxy is checking out his catch.
We wanted a picture of both of us but the wind was blowing so hard this is what we got instead. And yes one of them is mine!!!
Life is good!
I've been told. "All good things must come to an end"??? NO! We just switch course and sail home~ Wouldn't trade my life for anything! So grateful. So thankful, so happy and still dreaming, everyday.. BECAUSE?? Dreams do come true! Love to you all~
We left home June 10th we figured we were gone
for 48 days. We fished 42days. Six of
those days were spent driving. Which means it was to late in the evening when
we arrived at the next lake to fish.. Yes we’re crazy about chasing them
smallies! Estimated total catch 1,680. Life is good!