bb & db practicing the finer points of spinning reels and drop shotting. Drop shotting school for bb and db. Billy and Norma McCaghren are ready to get started. Anxiously awaiting the start time. Ali is intent on watching for Tammy to return to the truck. Ali is now waiting for the competition to begin. She waits a lot. The McClellands prepare for the competiton. db, you hold your fingers just like this. When it gets heavy, pull back and reel faster. And he did...;) One of the best parts of competition is comparing stories afterwards. Terri & Kerry with Sophia, smiles all around. Laker and Oakley were in charge of releasing the catch after weigh in. Good job boys...;) Weigh-master Kevin and db, the official photog. Sophia liked the result.Stacey and Noah had a good time fishing with Mike. bb is baby-sitting her Riley and Ali. The weigh-in crowd was all abuzz. More post tournament stories! The Howells claimed the winner's "trophy". Official note-taker, db interviews the winners. Everyone had a great time and applauded the results. The entry money went to charity.
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