H&M's first house together...;)
Hunter wanted our old lawn mower. He has lots of fond memories pushing this thing around Meers.
Unloading David and Karen's suburban filled with wedding gifts.
Hunter and Ken putting the table together.
Marti was given her Great grandmother's china cabinet to display all of her beautiful dishes.
Karen was lining all the cabinets. Now it's all clean...:)
Marti had her happy face on..;)
A big back yard for Kimber to play when she comes home.
H&M found some Grrreat deals on Craigs list. This is the couch they found.
Monica had business to do in Tulsa today, so after work she came over to help unpack.
Little white peanuts everywhere from all the packing... "I hate peanuts"! Not her happy face.
Hunter's Zebra rug looked so good on the beautiful wooden floors in the living room.
Marti was haaappy to have all the space in the kitchen.
David and Karen taking a minute to enjoy the progress in moving H&M into their new home.
They have a lot to be happy about!
Smile David!!! He'll take good care of her...:)
Look how beautiful!
Bed and bath!
Wow! the place looks awesome guys. I cant wait to see it.
Only 9 days left!
GREAT grandma's china hutch : )
looks even better now after i had a whole other day to work on it : )
Look like you all worked super hard and everything looks fabulous. And how cool Marti... your Great Grandmas hutch is gorgeous. It is such a cool piece to have. Cant wait to come see yalls new place!!!
wow!! awesome place, I know how excited they are to get their new home in order. Looks like everyone worked real hard and got lots done.
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