Saturday, August 18, 2012

Where the buffalo roam

 Happy Sunflower~

 Broom weed will grow when nothing else will.
 Poke salad
 Tarbone peeking over the horizon.
 Buffalo dusting~
 I love my Momma~

 August, has put on weight and getting around pretty well.  Next month will be one year since the fire so her name will then stay September.  She has my heart for sure~
 Dusting will keep the horse flies off and they just love the dirt.

 Two year old bull.
 I love our home and the land it sits on~

As time passes things begin to heal.  We need rain  to make things grow...


Angela said...

Aww I love the pictures...I know you need rain desperately , but everything looks so beautiful...I miss the land where the buffalo roam, but I miss my best friend in the whole world more......

Alyson said...

Those are some great pictures of the buffalo.
Someone is becoming quite the photographer

Hunter said...

Agreed. Those buff pics look really good. Nice to see some healthy buffalo.