When we got home from climbing Mt.Wheeler, Ken had cooked elk, buffalo and beef burger for tacos. He had the food ready to go so we could continue our party. Thank you honey you're the best!
Moxy went to sleep while watching out the window for my return.
Aly and I just before we left.
Becky's BDC. Aly made it look incredible, and it was carrot cake too. Yummmmm!
The finishing touches.
Fred had a heel spur on his foot and was in PAIN.. Only way I new it, was because on our way down the mountain he decided to soak it in the cool lake water.
Tanner and Aly.
This picture of Aly shows how beautiful it is from the top.
Again as always my pictures are out of order. Carol and Becky enjoying the evening party that was a surprise too.
Becky's Dad, Bill, who is loving life every minute of the day.
Barb Nelson and others took hundreds of pictures. This one is worth a smile..:)
Our journey upward!
There were no one place for my eyes to rest. The view of the mountains and valleys went on forever.
A Marmot.
Hank, Carol's sweetie, made sure that Carol and I were going to make it to the top... His famous words were. "Just a little bit further".
Carol and Hank, what fun we all had.
Me and Captain. Aly had bought booties for Captain for the long hike to help protect his feet and it worked. For some reason Captain hung with me most of the time,, I wondered if he knew something that I didn't. Like maybe I was going to croak or something on the mountain. LOL
One of the many paths we took.
Becky had no idea that once to the top of the mountain, a huge banner wishing her a happy birthday signed by her son Stephen, who couldn't be with us was awaiting her. Another tearful surprise!
Carol had an apple core to leave behind for the fat happy chipmunks that would rob your backpack if you weren't looking.
Again we have hundreds of pictures. Jeff takes one of Aly, the brilliant surprise party planner...:)
Aly standing at the Mt. Wheeler ascend.
Code name Grizzly: Jeff and Fred.
Becky was one happy birthday girl!
Some of the terrain was very rocky.
Here are the t-shirts Aly designed.
Daddy's girl!
Aly made Becky a CD full of pictures and video from days gone by. It was a HBD weekend..:)
Tanner, Bill, Mike and Barb.
Hank giving Captain a drink of water.
Smiling faces , happy places!
Mike and Barb.
Resting at Horseshoe Lake.
Tanner looking leopard-ish resting in the tree.
On top of the world!
Susie was a beast climbing the mountain. I'm pretty sure I never heard her breathe hard once. I wanna be like Susie....:) You have some great friends Beck..:)
That's a laugh to make you laugh!!! :) RR Chamber.
Here we are waiting for Becky to summit.
Ric O La!
Susie and Aly.
Jeff and Mike. Becky worked for Mike when she was 18 years old.
Becky eating wild strawberries. Someone said she has a giraffe tongue.
Here we go!
group shot before we start our journey.
Hank and Carol
Me and Tanner.
Jeff and Beck
The mountain air makes you CRAZY!!
On top!
A day we'll never forget...:)
Heart fills the mountains.
Made it!
Mike and Barb. Thanks Barb for sharing all your pictures with everyone. You did an awesome job!
What a great way to spend your 50th birthday!!
Horseshoe Lake
Amazing Pics mom. You do such a wonderful job showing the pictures and telling the story. I love you so much, and am so glad that you made it to the top with us. You were a beast.
Looks like you all had an awesome time!
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